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The Tpee Service

Published on March 28, 2024

Easily hire domestic help in France with the Tpee Service.

  • For whom?

    • Employee of a Private Employer
    • Private Employer

    Private Individual not resident in France for tax purposes

  • What situation?

    During your stay in France, you wish to be assisted or accompanied for household activities, ironing or childcare.

    You wish to work for a private individual offering personal services.

  • Why use it?

    You can easily declare the remuneration paid to your employee who works at your residence.

    As an employee, you benefit from social coverage (Health Insurance, family allowances, unemployment benefits, pension, etc.).

Using the Tpee service means

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Access your Tpee online account

To access your online account, visit the Tpee service website.

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Create your Tpee online online space

To use the Tpee service, create your online account in just a few clicks.

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